29 January 2006

What Burns Never Returns

I got quite a few CDs for Christmas and am just getting around to listening to some of them.  One is an album by the math-rock band Don Caballero, famous for complex songs with silly titles.

Ten best Don Caballero song titles:

10. Stupid Puma
 9. Repeat Defender
 8. Slice Where You Live Like Pie
 7. Details on How to Get ICEMAN on Your License Plate
 6. Rollerblade Success Story
 5. Bears See Things Pretty Much the Way They Are
 4. You Drink a Lot of Coffee for a Teenager
 3. P, P, P, Antless
 2. No One Gives a Hoot About Faux-Ass Nonsense
 1. Let's Face It Pal, You Didn't Need That Eye Surgery

22 January 2006


The Steelers are going to the Super Bowl!

The last time the Steelers got to the AFC championship game and I didn't watch it, I was driving back to Texas A&M for the spring semester of my freshman year.  I got pulled over for speeding and the cop told me that the Chargers had won the game.  It was a bad day.  But that's the last speeding ticket I ever got and the Steelers made it to the Super Bowl the next year.  They're finally back again.

Now it's time to root for the Panthers to join them!

17 January 2006


I had a good weekend.  I won thirty bucks at river-casino blackjack and my Steelers knocked the best team in the NFL out of the playoffs.  I say it'll be Steelers over Panthers in the Super Bowl.

At the grocery store tonight I saw a brand of canned vegetables called "Valu Time".  You know you're looking at a cheap product when they misspell a word in the brand name.  I mean, what was the company thinking?  "Our operation's so cheap we hire illiterates."  "Dictionaries are expensive."  "We can't afford all five letters!"  It's not as if shoppers need an extra clue that the price is low—a can of tomatoes was 49 cents.  Now that's valu.

But if Valu Time made ice cream, I'd try it.  I've tried every other brand of ice cream in St. Louis and they all suck.  Ben & Jerry's is good, but you can't eat that too often.  And, yeah, there's Ted Drewes, but you really can't eat that often.  Why don't we get Blue Bell here?  I saw a carton of Blue Bell on an old episode of Dream On recently, and that show took place in New York.  Did they just skip the Midwest?  Come on, Blue Bell . . . !