Dr. No's opponent
Democrat Shane Sklar is running against my favorite Congressman, Ron "The Taxpayers' Best Friend" Paul, in the 14th district of Texas. An endorsement announcement from the front page of Sklar's campaign site reads,
"In recommending Shane Sklar for the 14th Congressional District, the editorial board of the Galveston County Daily News declared that 'local Interest is the primary issue' and said, 'we just don’t believe that the constant no votes are the most effective way to secure the funding that the district obviously needs.'"
Let's translate that. In other words, "we're not getting enough pork" and "we trust him to vote for big spending bills that give your tax money to other districts in order to bring more tax money here". Those "constant no votes" sure do annoy special interests. In fact, Sklar's endorsements are all from special interests that hope he'll do his best to tilt economic regulations in their favor, something that Ron Paul, who prefers limited government and to let the free market work, isn't willing to do for anyone.
Then, under his issues page, Sklar says that he "probably would have voted to send troops to Iraq". Surely he's just pandering to his conservative district, but—a Democrat who's more pro-war than his Republican opponent?! Ron Paul is one of the very few incumbents who deserve to be reelected.
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