26 February 2008

Still in with a chance?

Ron Paul may not have much chance of winning the nomination at this point, but he's done incredibly well, and there's still reason to have some hope.  The money bombs on January 21st and February 1st earned his campaign millions more dollars.  His finances are in much better shape than those of McCain and Huckabee; in fact, Paul's campaign has zero debt, as one might expect given his sound-money policy positions.

I'm still holding out hope for a brokered convention, but since Romney dropped out (after spending an insane amount of money) and jumped on the frontrunner's bandwagon it looks a lot less likely.  More important now is RP's bid to keep his spot in Congress.  Failure in that race would be a sad injustice.

At least the scary scenario that seemed so likely a year ago—Clinton vs. Giuliani in the general election—is now impossible.  Those two deserve political oblivion.


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